Friday, November 25, 2011


I would like to welcome you to my little place on the web.  It is my hope that your visit here brings comfort and healing to your heart.  I would like to extend my Greatest Sympathy in the Loss of your Loved One.  I share with you, what is in truly "in my heart."  I take pride in creating each and every one of these special graphics.  It is a true "labor of love" and I pray that you can feel that your loved one is near and that the love always remains forever in your heart. 
Over the years since I started this Ministry, I feel like I am getting a glimpse into your heart as well.  I don't know how to explain it other than I am spending time with these babies and loved ones and think of them each time I come to work on my gifts to you. 

Inpegsheart Ministry started from my attending a Support Group for Grieving Mothers.  One of the Mothers made a statement that she wished she could find an artist to draw a picture of the daughter she lost at 11 weeks gestation as a part of her family.  We discussed that these babies are a part of our families and since at that time  (1990's) it was not the norm to take photos of our babies lost at that gestational age and really even now at any gestation.  We need something to hold on to.  We need others to "see" that our babies will always be a part of our lives.  I don't draw but, I served as the Secretary with this group for a short time.  It was my duty to send a card for the 1st Anniversary to the families in the group.  I could not find a card at that time and decided to purchase a rather expensive graphics program for my computer to make my own cards.  I knew nothing about graphics or computers and have never learned how to "do" html...   But, I played around with a program that came with my first little web cam.  Somehow, I learned to do what I do.  I know it has developed into a Ministry that I am humbly striving to unite what is in all of our hearts.
I hope that you will help this site become a personal Ministry and that you will share with us about your Loved one.  No one is just a name or a number here.  We are not put on this Earth to survive alone.  We need each other.  I believe that each person that comes into our lives, was put here for a reason.  We may never know.
If you would like to request a graphic to be made for your loved one, please send me a message here.
May the Lord Bless You and Keep You!