Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Makenna Rogers

To our Angel Makenna Geri-lynn Rogers
In a blink of an eye, our world fell apart.
You were ripped from our arms, and torn from our hearts
We only got to hold you, for a short period of time
Why you had to leave us, only God knows why.
Though you were gone before delivery,
 I rocked and sang to you
I knew you could hear me from heaven, 
somehow I just knew.
On February 6th of 2012, 
The Rogers family was blessed
But when we packed up and headed for home, 
you had a different address
You went to Heaven and changed our whole life.
Why you had to go, just doesn’t seem right.
The car seat was ready, your closet was too
Your dressers were packed, all just for you.
They hang there all ready, for you to come home.
I want to change your diapers,
 and change you into new clothes.
Makenna Geri-lynn Rogers, I’m not sure how to go on.
My heart is so broken, everything is so wrong.
You’re supposed to be here, surrounded with love.
Your pitter patters should be here, not heaven above.
I love you baby girl.

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