Saturday, December 1, 2012

From Rosa

I want to share this dedication I wrote for my baby Jade Nicole Hedden,
I wrote it in a moment of longing and loneliness of not having much in my arms.Dedication to my baby girl who died in the darkness of my belly.
When the doctor told me that my baby was no longer beat the heart,
a loneliness so deep invaded my whole being, was very hard to know
that my baby is so small that I had run away
and could not hear the sound of my voice,
beat of my
heart that was racing with joy every time she moved
and spoke her delicate feet on my belly
and breast I'm staying here.
Hearing the doctor say I'm sorry your baby died.
That news left me immense pain so deep in my life,
there will not be enough years that I removed the bitter pain,
is like a lifeless heart.

nobody knows the pain and anguish that I bring in the soul,
I swear I'm not a woman
and just today I move thanks to the man that I have at my side....

When a child is going,
leaves a void that neither the greatest love,
I could fill.

Here I am living and suffering,
with her memory today tomorrow and always,
until the day God decides that we are
and first heard her voice and tell me ...

Here I am Mom

Rosa De Saron Hedden
short poem for pregnancy.

Mom is very dark in here,
But I hear you're working on a crib
With a yellow blanket
Because you do not know,
 yes, I am a boy or girl
But I hope with love

I like to sing, and tell me beautiful things
Mom and I leave here I want to see your eyes,
Let me know if they are blue like mine
I want to see your face to see if I look like you
My hands move a lot and want to touch you

I like the way you talk to people about me
And teach the clothes that are preparing for my
I hear very angelic,
And they're perfect for my mom
So you want to go out, to feel your arms ,
my memory approaching your chest
Here is very dark, and sometimes it scares me
Only when I hear your voice stilled,
And I can feel your love, that caress your belly,
And I feel your hands on me, very soft

Since birth mom- I want to see you
I hope not to disappoint you when you see me,
And be what you expected, before me
Mom I love you and see you before
Because your voice was the one 
that made me love you
I'm coming to birth mom, and I'm going out,
In this dark room, and my light be you .... Mom